Thursday, October 14, 2010


Pg td aq dan kwn2 aq pergi sarapan di satu tmpat ni, yela ada gap sejam, jd aq pn mknla dkt kafe yg dekat je... aq order la bihun sup, kt situ bihun sup die memg kick dan aq order air teh ais. aq terase mcm nk mlantak aritu, aq pn bli la lekor singgit...

aq pun mknla dgn sepenuh perasaan, dengan menghirup bihun sup yg kick tu disamping teh ais favourite aq. aq dah x pdulik dah org2 kt situ.. memg sedap sgt aq rase...
fuhhh....! selesai dah aq mkn, aq pun hirupla air teh aq tu... tiba2 aq trgerak nk pandang air tu, aq tengok betul2 teliti...

'ape yg itam2 tu? serbuk teh ke?' aq pn usik la bende tu gune straw

"eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! bulu kening...!!!!" kwn2 aq semua toleh ke arah aq
"bulu kening ke bulu idung?" kata mid dengan muka selamba yaya die tu.
"what the...?!" aq terase sgt geli geleman,
"ke misai?" dgn muka yg penuh ispirasi aq menyambung.. serentak, kwn2 aq menoleh ke arah abg yg buat air tu..

'lebat tu misainye.. x mustahil la...' hati aq terdetik

"eeeeeeeeeee.... nani....." lalu tekak kwn2 aq pun start meloya....
padahal aq yg minum air tu, diorg pun turut serta merasakan loya yg aq alami....
aq rase mcm serik nk pi bli air kt situ lg.. tp cmane, xkn aq mkn tp x minum, xpun xkn aq xblh nk mkn mihun sup kegemaran aq tuhhhhh lg...!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


yesterday, we laughed together
kid and joy were part of our life
we see the world as one
we are unite,
till forever say you.

nowaday, i couldnt bear the agony,
to miss you
such sorrow and gloom,
filled my sentiment
we are unite,
till forever say you,
in remembrance.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

have a good day...

On sunny day, i walked through the garden. It would be my favourite to walked on the sunny day but, to have the cool winds to wipe my sweat it would be better. I could see that there are many children playing with thier siblings and friends accompanied by their parents.

"Hmmm, what a nice view" I looked around and saw those playful face.

After a long walk, i could not bare the tiredness. I have found a midget bench and sat. I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"I love this smell" I smiled.

It triggered my memory towards something(Mwun, 2010). I shut my eyes, tried to recall the memory that passed years ago. Calmly, I remembered what had happened.


The weather is perfect and we walked and jog in a group in the garden. We laughed and share the happiness. The jokes was mostly came from my friend, called Gigi. Then we stopped and do some body stretch to avoid cramp.

"I hope I have burned those fats and these flabby skin will be gone, forever!" said Lela.

"Yeah, you wish. It was only five metres and we are already feel exhausted" said my other friend, Yaya.

"Mimi,are you okay? You are so quite" said Gigi and she was concerned about me.

"Nope, I'm okay. I just too exhausted and I am installing my energy back to my body" I explained and tried to make others understand.

"Okay then,"

The three of them was busy talking and joking and i just listening and laughing loudly when the jokes were too funny. Then, Lela excused herself to the ladies and after we have our high-calories breakfast, we were dismissed for that day.


But, we did not know that it was the last day that we have met and been together happily. I could not recall what had happened. It was like it has been deleted in my brain's corpus where it was stored. I thought that it was a tragedy happened. Then, I started to cry, loudly, as I bellowed in front of everybody. They were scared and ran away. I did not care as I remembered what had happened to all of my friends. They were dead. Lela, Yaya and Gigi were gone for eternal.

They have been raped, murdered and left out in a public, bloody and naked. It was embarassing yet it was cruel. No, it was EVIL! The one who raped and murdered them was never get caught. It is unfair. There are no justice for them, i thought. Then, I still remember their last words;

"Mimi, have a good day...." they smiled at me just hoping for my day but not their DAY.