Sunday, August 22, 2010


i don't know what to say, just now, i got some, mid term exam or progress test exam...
i was very nervous of getting questions that i really didn't know... though i have studied, but not all chapters... (1-4)
i prefer to skip while reading it, but then, i still wondering and worrying about those questions that will come out...
i don't know what to say... i keep myself quiet while walking to my class... i know that my lecturer is "something".... it can be anything that come out in the exam...
i worry..... this is not quiz... this is exam...
i arrived in my class... oh no!.... i'm a bit late... but....
i still manage to come on time... i sat and prayed to Allah...may my heart filled with knowledge..
but, when i saw those questions, thankfully i know most of is a miracle!
i manage to answer all of the question, even though, i didn't familiar with some of that.
i finished answering those question...
Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alALLAH....

1 comment:

  1. ala kak nani jawab tutup mata ja...
    hahahah eleh solan ermmmmmmmm senang ja... opie pun tak bleh jawab....hahahah
